Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chapter 11 Build on Best Practice and Research

I liked Reggie's plan of starting with modeling and then moving on to shared teaching, hand-holding, coaching, and independent practice. She states raised expectations must go hand in hand with excellent teaching and advocacy. What I need to know is how to do an excellent job of teaching writing. This is not going to happen just by reading the book. Page 263 starts a list of key research findings. It is important to read and reread these findings. This will help me to become an excellent teacher of writing. The books states we cannot go wrong by using key research findings to guide our thinking, planning, and teaching practice. I was happy to see the chart on page 270 with changes other first grade teachers have made in their teaching writing practices. This is helpful to me.

I think more professional development is needed to improve writing instruction for our students. Perhaps our district needs to focus more time on this, at least at the first grade level. I also think Obee School could use more time to discuss writing practices.

The section on English language learners was helpful. I have had ELL students the pass three years. I struggle to see transfer from discrete skills to fluent reading and writing. I will try to do more modeling, thinking aloud, and hand holding. These students need soooo much support.


Tammy Gilley said...

Vicky, I think that we need to sit down as an Obee staff and discuss writing: Our expectations, look at examples of student work at each grade level, and establish some norms for writing. Maybe it will happen soon.

janicegreen said...

Thanks for the reminder because I know I need to read and reread to actually make changes happen. I also want to put up a chart in my room that is just for me "What we do now."

Mrs. Babcock said...

The idea of having your building sit down and discuss writing is crucial. Unless we have a common goal in our buildings, we will not be able to move forward as a writing community.