Sunday, March 23, 2008

Capter 10 Make Assessment Count

Assessment of writing in first grade looks different than writing assessment in the intermediate grades. This chapter had many good ideas and thoughts about assessment. I did some reflection on the current assessment of first grade writing in our district and I feel some changes are needed. We do use a writing continuum, but it is not used to guide instruction. It is more of a benchmark of where the students are performing. I need to use this continuum to guide conferencing and teaching throughout the school year. The child friendly rubrics on page 241 were great. I will try this. Of course I heard about collecting sample papers to use, but I plan to do this now.

Page 245 Research shows that high achievement and high test scores result when what is tested is woven into daily teaching and challenging curriculum in a relevant manner.

Of course the refrain for this book could be do more reading and do more writing. Students will not become great writers without this input.

The section on grading was important. I especially liked the comment - recognize effort and improvement

1 comment:

janicegreen said...

I too liked the kid friendly rubrics and need to start this. I don't find it easy to interweave writing into every subject. I'm usually stressing over what my students still need to know.